Our Story
30 Years and Growing
Established in 1991 in partnership with NIC, the Foundation team and its dedicated Board of Directors are committed to raising awareness and funds to support local students through scholarships and bursaries, equip classrooms with current technology, and ensure that the best possible learning facilities are accessible right here in our communities at North Island College.
We envision a future where students from all walks of life have the opportunity to pursue a post-secondary education, train for a new career, or develop employable skills to support themselves and their families.
Over $3.6 Million to almost 5,000 Students
In the past 30 years, donors have helped us give over $3.6 million to almost 5,000 deserving students throughout the North Island College region. For many of these students, attending college would not have been possible were it not for the generosity of our donors.
Thriving Donor Community
The NIC Foundation shares many long-established relationships within each campus community, including an existing donor community of more than 2,000 individuals, service organizations, and local businesses who value and invest in education.
Advancing Students, Education and Communities
Your investment in students today adds up to more than just dollars. The gift of education has the power to change lives, inspire future leaders, and create contributing citizens who will positively influence our communities and beyond.
Our logo represents the circle of giving that results from your support to our students and, in turn their growth in our community.